Photo of the founder Domenico Tramontin and other memorabilia on the wall of the squero Tramontin

Squero Tramontin

Domenico Tramontin founded the squero Tramontin (a squero is a Venetian gondola shipyard) in 1884. It is now in the hands of the fifth generation, Elena and Elisabetta Tramontin, after the premature death of their father Roberto.

Neither Elena nor Elisabetta are maestri d’ascia like their father, so Matteo Tamassia manages the day-to-day work in the squero.

It takes about 280 pieces of wood, all individually cut and made, to make a Venetian gondola.  No two pieces are the same.

The gondola is asymmetric to facilitate being rowed by a single oarsman.  This is an invention by Domenico Tramontin, who is therefore the ‘inventor’ of the modern gondola.


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